When you walk into the Kenneth C. Rowe Management Building at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, you’ll immediately appreciate the gentle wash of natural light that passes through the inspired building.

The recent addition to the historic campus is a collaborative effort between architects John Dobbs & Associates of Halifax and Shore, Tribe, Irwin & Partners of Toronto. This team achieved a seamless combination of aesthetics and function, creating the optimum learning space for the acclaimed Canadian university.

Modern, environmentally-friendly design, awash in perfect natural light, makes the Kenneth C. Rowe Management Building a favourite space for students to learn, study and hangout.

The building is comprised of classrooms, offices, as well as a state-of-the-art 5 storey atrium. The challenge was to maximize natural light in all spaces without compromising energy efficiency, style and design.

“We sought out to create a smart, energy efficient and comfortable building that reduced lighting costs by up to 50%,” says Allan MacMillian, R&D Supervisor, Advanced Glazings Ltd.  “Students spend hours in this building. Natural light has many physical and mental health benefits, which help students and staff focus and work more efficiently.”

Combining Advanced Glazings Ltd.’s Solera T-R5®  glazing with ordinary vision glass, resulted in a cloud of perfect natural light, which adds clarity and beauty to the interiors while enhancing functionality.  

Although the quality of the space is evident to anyone who experiences it, the ultimate compliment comes from the users. When asked why they prefer studying in the Rowe building, Dalhousie students shared:

It feels like I’m not really in a building for 6 hours writing a paper. You get all this natural light and it feels like you’re not in a closed space, but you’re sitting outside the whole day. I definitely push myself to do more work here,” says Emma Conrad, 3rd year Management major.

I’m completely fine in my end-of-the-day 3-hour class in the Rowe building but will often dose off in a midday class at another location,” says Allie Reed, 2nd year Biology major.

I don’t know why but I’ve always liked studying here, I’m not even a management student, but I like the vibe of the building. It’s really bright here and I think it affects my mood,” says Logan Meeks, 3rd year Arts major.